GyrKite Birding Tours

GyrKite Birding Tours

Alessandra and Kiah both got into the birding world at a very young age, pursuing their love of birds around their home regions of Hamilton and Bruce County, in Ontario, Canada. 

Kiah’s obsession with the avian world started off with the discovery of Golden Eagles near his hometown on the Bruce Peninsula in 2016. This led him to meet a local birding club, where he took every chance he could get to learn and discover new birds. Once he finished his education, Kiah began working a variety of jobs gaining experience with the world of nature including environmental consulting, several nonprofits and as a park naturalist at MacGregor Point Provincial Park. His drive for birding led to an Ontario big year in 2022, when he broke the record for most birds seen in a calendar year in the province, spotting 359 species. In his spare time he enjoys watching visible bird migration wherever he can find it.

Alessandra first started birding with the Hamilton Naturalist Club and went on to learn bird banding and migration monitoring at Haldimand Bird Observatory. She has since volunteered and worked at numerous bird observatories across Ontario. Having completed her bachelor’s degree studying wildlife biology and conservation, her goal is to help educate others about environmental conservation and share her love of birds through art. 

In 2023 Kiah and Alessandra co-founded GyrKite Birding Tours, which focuses on connecting people with the world of birds across Ontario and abroad. They enjoy leading birders on a variety of trips throughout the seasons, from embarking on trips in Northern Ontario to see Boreal Owls, to watching thousands of warblers fly off the tip of Pelee Island. Having quality spotting scopes such as the Kowa PROMINAR TSN-88 and the PROMINAR TSN-55 at their side means they can travel anywhere while also ensuring their tour participants always enjoy crystal clear views of all the birds they encounter.

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